pasia 23-May-2005 20:15
| tirli, i watched this-i could eat pork-chop respect for putin-spx boy. |
Virgínia 23-May-2005 20:32
| Fantástico! Virgínia - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil |
kaan 23-May-2005 21:24
| prikrasna ! ya dumayu bes adejda bolşe krasiva kto pisal adejda ne jalka yuyo |
Carpe Diem 23-May-2005 22:04
| thats wonderfull and keep on it. Congratulations:) |
Juliana (BRAZIL) 23-May-2005 23:06
| really nice |
some guy 23-May-2005 23:39
| prety cool it got fantastic, you're realy good |
Rizix 23-May-2005 23:51
Sindre 23-May-2005 23:53
| This is the sickest thing I have ever seen! Avesome! Keep up the good work! |
Claudeane 24-May-2005 00:57
| Gente.... Esse cara ta de parebens... Seja firme e procure cada vez melhorar mais ainda. Vai fundo rapaz...... |
pinio 24-May-2005 01:44
| to poprostu jest spoko |